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Want to be an Exchange Student?

Rotary District 6690 is the sponsor of the Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarship and the Short-Term Summer Exchange Program

You’ll find the application forms under the “forms tab”, or click this link

The basic requirements for every student participating in either program are:

  • Age 14-17 at time of application
  • Good academic standing
  • Personality and character to be an excellent goodwill ambassador
  • Attendance at ALL monthly training weekends from November through May prior to exchange

Whether a student is pursuing growth over a single summer or seeking a full year experience, Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) provides opportunities not offered by other programs. In addition to the Youth Exchange Scholarships,  the most significant differences between RYE and other exchange programs are the support provided to families and students.

Because RYE is an extension of Rotary International, a service organization with an overall focus on global advancement, RYE programs are managed and coordinated by dedicated Rotarians at the club, district, national and international levels and not by paid staffers in a central office. RYE students and families therefore have the support and connection of the 1.2 million Rotarians in 34,000 Rotary clubs around the world. As a result of this support and Rotary investment, RYE is able to offer scholarships to exceptional students seeking a full academic year exchange.

Through the Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarship, room, board, tuition, and administration costs charged by other private organizations are absorbed by Rotary, and the scholars even receive a monthly stipend while abroad. Students who are accepted into the RYE program are responsible only for their program fee ($750 or $1750, depending on the program), their medical/general liability insurance cost, and the actual costs of travel (i.e., airfare, visa).

Minimum Qualifications

Students seeking exchange through RYE are expected to demonstrate the character and personality necessary to be an excellent goodwill ambassador between the US and the host country. They are expected to always represent Rotary and the values of the organization. Students must be in good academic standing and between 15 and 18.5 years old as of September 1 of their exchange year. Lastly, all RYE students are expected to attend ALL training weekends from November through May prior to their exchanges AND in August after returning from exchange.  Additionally, all Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarship recipients must attend Ohio-Erie Multi-District’s  mandatory three day orientation weekend in July prior to departing on their exchanges.

The general timeline and calendar for exchange can be found here.

RYE6690 students are celebrated globally as among the best prepared exchange students in the world!  We’re excited to have you join us.

Two Programs Available through RYE District 6690.

 the Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarship – one academic year – Application Fee $1750 (plus Rotary Health Insurance, Visa & Airfare)

District 6690 offers up to 20 Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarships each academic year. The scholarships cover room, board, tuition, and a monthly stipend while overseas. Exchange Scholars travel to their host countries in approximately late July to mid-September and return in approximately late June of the following year. They attend school in their host countries and are expected to explore and develop a typical teenage existence in these countries. [read more]

Short-Term Exchange Program (STEP) – Application Fee $750 (plus Rotary Health Insurance & Airfare)

The short-term exchange is a “Family-to-Family” program that is normally done in the summer, so it typically does not interfere with school calendars. Each STEP family is paired with a STEP family in the host country. The two exchange students become ‘exchange siblings’ and split the eight weeks between each of the two countries and in each other’s homes. The exact travel dates are coordinated between the two exchange families. [read more]

want to be an exchange student

Interested? Apply today!

View our application forms here. Contact us today with any questions you have!

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